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기상청 제공


The Asian Acne Board and Galderma Join Forces to Improve Understanding and Management of Acne

Candidates invited to apply for 10,000 USD research grant award

(Business Wire/Korea Newswire) The Asian Acne Board (AAB) and Galderma are inviting candidates to apply for a research grant of 10,000 USD to contribute to the improvement of best practices in the management of acne. 

The AAB research grant with the unrestricted support of Galderma is focused on advancing the understanding of acne. Research projects that involve clinical or basic research will receive consideration. Dermatology residents, dermatology fellows, and recent dermatology graduates of dermatology residency programs are eligible to apply for this research grant. The completed application and supporting materials must be received by January 15, 2016 and the grant winner will be decided in February, 2016. 

Kamal Abbasi, Regional Vice-President Galderma Asia-Pacific underlines the significance of the research grant by stating that ‘The AAB research grant with the support of Galderma demonstrates our continued and unwavering global commitment to partner with health care physicians in Asia-Pacific. Acne vulgaris is one of the most common cutaneous conditions regardless of race or ethnicity. It is therefore paramount that best practices in the management of acne are supported, communicated and recognized’. 

The AAB research grant is focused on advancing the understanding of acne. Research projects that involve clinical or basic research will receive consideration. 

All of the proposed grant applications are independently reviewed by an international panel of experts in acne, consisting of Professors Sewon Kang (Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, USA & AAB Chair), Chee Leok Goh (National Skin Centre, Singapore & AAB Co-Chair), Nobukazu Hayashi (Toranomon Hospital, Tokyo, Japan), and Dae Hun Suh (Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea). 

About the Asian Acne Board 

The Asian Acne Board (AAB) was formed in 2005 as regional board of international Global Alliance to Improve Outcomes in Acne which is financially supported by Galderma. It involves dermatologists with an interest in acne from Australia, India, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, China and USA. The AAB established a research grant to contribute to the improvement of best practices in the management of acne in Asia. The Program was formally introduced at the 2011 World Congress of Dermatology in Seoul. 

About Galderma 

Dating back to 1961, Galderma now present in over 100 countries with an extensive product portfolio to treat a range of dermatological conditions. The company partners with health care professionals around the world to meet the skin health needs of people throughout their lifetime. Galderma is a leader in research and development of scientifically-defined and medically-proven solutions for the skin, hair and nails. 

For more information, please visit www.galderma.com 

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20151201005150/en/
News Source: Galderma
Media Contact
Yvan Deurbroeck 
Global Vice President Communications, Galderma 
Mobile phone: +41 79 254824 



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